Being committed to one thing, making little choices everyday, that led to visual results, the determination, dedication , self discipline and a lot of effort is not what it all takes, each day being a new one had a new creative in the mind, going back , again n again for a goal that was set but not easy, focus was all needed even until the game was at the finish line. Working on it all by myself, giving it all that i had learnt and more just to make a piece that would ace the department. It's cool to say you're codding until all you get to see is , black terminals with green font colors, despite all the hurdles, every time a thought crossed by that should I give up, I only remembered that the gun has been fired there is not going back from here , not until I don't cross the finish line. Everything kept me motivated and got me going. After a lot of hard work and pushing myself cause I knew I am my own competition I've to win from myself, the game is there in front of y'all , ain't gonna tell anything because my actions talk, and innocent are the people who say , success can't be achieved by a single person alone, well i did it alone n I'm proud of what I've made. I just got a step closer in building myself